Cross Border Oenology and Viticulture Centre «Danube Terraces» Project, COD MIS–ETC 600, is co-financed through Romania-Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013, Priority Axis 3: Economic and social development, Key Area of Intervention 3.1 –Support for cross-border business cooperation and promotion of a regional imagine and identity, under subsidy contract no. 57402/17.07.2013 signed by Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration from Romania, acting as Managing Authority for Romania – Bulgaria Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007-2013.
Center’s activity will be organised on the "solve or guide" principle: all requests will be treated with information and primary assistance services. In case the requests exceed the in-house competences, the client will be guided to the nearest specialized support service, such as its partners - chamber of commerce, university or research centre.
The general objective will make a direct contribution to and facilitate the identification, if not the creation of exploitable opportunities by maintaining a high level of business intelligence on local and cross-border resources, strategies, development projects, and make them available to its beneficiaries through various business and technical services.
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