AVIZ DE CONTRACT terțe (Malaezia, Singapore și Coreea de Sud). |
CONTRACT NOTICE Vaeni Naoussa, is the Coordinator of the multiprogramme 101015671 - WINE QUALITY LEGEND submitted for financing on June 2020 in the frame of Reg (EU) 1144/2014, Reg (EU) 2015/1829 and 2015/1831 and of the Call for Proposals AGRI-MULTI-C-2020 in partnership with EOS Samos, Regional Vine and Wine Chamber of Plovdid “Trakia” and the Professional Wine Association “Terasele Dunarii” Ostrov of total budget EUR 2.996.440 for the promotion of PDO/PGI Wines in third countries (Malaysia, Singapore and South Korea). The multiprogramme was approved for finanicing according to Ref. Ares(2020)4845720 - 16/09/2020 letter of the European Commission with starting date the 01.01.2021 and duration 36 months. Deadline for submission of tenders is December 9h 2020, 13:00 and place of submission of tenders is the premises of Coordinator (Episkopi Naoussa 59200). The opening of tenders will take place after the deadline of submitting tenders at the premises of Coordinator Tender Specification is available free of charge at the websites www.vaeni- naoussa.com, www.samoswine.gr, www.rlvktrakia.com and www.domeniileostrov.ro.. Contact person: Georgios Spanelis, +30 2332 044274, e-mail: info@vaeni-naoussa.com T erms and participation conditions, rules for submitting tender and description of the procedure and of project’s actions are included in the Tender Specifications. The validity of tenders will be for two (2) months starting from the deadline of submission. Contract Notice 622.030 EUR without VAT (Six hundred twenty two thousands one hundred and thirty) European Union Contribution by 85% and by own contribution of the Contracting Authorities by 15% 1/2020
Period of time during which the Tender Documents may be available Deadline for the Submission of Tenders Currency of Tenders Until the deadline of the submission of tenders. by 13:00 hours of 07.12.2020 20, Dimokratias Av. Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 713 06 2 months from the deadline of submission of Tenders English Euro 30 days, from the deadline of the submission of tenders
OPEN CALL FOR PROPOSALS 01/2020 TENDER SPECIFICATIONS (Germany, France, Romania) Deadline for submission of Tenders December 7th, 2020 Contents CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 2 1. 2. CONTRACTING AUTHORITIES AND SCOPE OF SERVICE CONTRACT .............................................................. 4
GENERAL AND SPECIFIC PARTICIPATION CONDITIONS ................................................................................... 7 3. 4. Supporting documents........................................................................................................................ 12 Technical Tender ..................................................................................................................................... 12 2.4.4 Content of folder “Economic Tender” .......................................................................................................... 12 2.4.5 Validity of tenders........................................................................................................................................ 12 2.4.6 Reasons for rejecting tenders ..................................................................................................................... 12 EVALUATION OF TENDERS .................................................................................................................................. 14 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.5 2.2 GENERAL CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Communication – Access to Tender documents ........................................................................................... 7 Questions - Clarifications .............................................................................................................................. 7 Language ...................................................................................................................................................... 7 Guarantees.................................................................................................................................................... 7 ELIGIBILITY –TENDER GUARANTEE - SELECTION CRITERIA..................................................................................... 7 2.2.1 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.4 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 AWARD CRITERIA...............................................................................................................................................11 Award criteria .............................................................................................................................................. 11 Rating and ranking of tenders ..................................................................................................................... 11 CONTENT OF TENDERS ...................................................................................................................................... 11 General Rules ............................................................................................................................................. 11 Time and place of submission of tenders .................................................................................................... 11 Content of folder “Supporting documents – Technical Tender”...................................................................12 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 OPENING AND EVALUATION OF TENDERS............................................................................................................. 14 Opening of tenders...................................................................................................................................... 14 Evaluation of tenders................................................................................................................................... 14 CALL TO TEMPORAL CONTRACTOR – SUBMISSION OF SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS. ................................................. 14 CONTRACT AWARD............................................................................................................................................ 15 APPEALS - OBJECTIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 15 CANCELATION OF THE PROCEDURE .................................................................................................................... 15 Eligibility ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Tender Guarantee.........................................................................................................................................8 Grounds for exclusion ................................................................................................................................... 8 Suitability of professional activity .............................................................................................................. 9 Economic and financial standing............................................................................................................... 9 Technical and professional capacity ......................................................................................................... 9 Rely in third parties ................................................................................................................................. 10 2.2.3 Quality selection rules ................................................................................................................................. 10 Supporting documents ............................................................................................................................. 10 CONTRACTUAL TERMS ........................................................................................................................................ 17
SPECIAL TERMS FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF THE CONTRACT ................................................................... 18
ANNEXES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 20 ANNEX Ι – ANALYTIC DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT SCOPE .............................................................................................. 20 ANNEX ΙΙ – TECHNICAL AND PROFESSIONAL REFERENCE................................................................................................ 27 ANNEX ΙΙI – DECLARATION OF HONOR............................................................................................................................ 33 ANNEX ΙV – SUPPORTING CERTIFICATES OF CONTRACTOR ............................................................................................. 36 ANNEX V –ECONOMIC TENDER...................................................................................................................................... 37 ANNEX VI – LETTERS OF GUARANTEE............................................................................................................................ 39 ANNEX VII – SPECIMEN OF CONTRACT AGREEMENT....................................................................................................... 41 1. Contracting Authorities and scope of service contract 1.1 Data of Contracting Authorities Legal Name Address Town Postal Code Country Phone Fax Type of Contracting Authority Contracting Authority is a Non Profit Organization - Association Main activity of the Contracting Authority Exporters’ Association of Crete 20, Dimokratias Av. Greece Main activity of the Contracting Authority is the promotion and support of products of its members Legal Name Address Town Postal Code Country Phone Fax Type of Contracting Authority Contracting Authority is a Non Profit Organization - Association Main activity of the Contracting Authority PROFESSIONAL WINE ASSOCIATION TERASELE DUNARII OSTROV 1 Regiei str, , Ostrov +40 241 857546 teraseledunarii@domeniileostrov.ro Mrs. Simona Brahas https://domeniileostrov.ro/ Main activity of the Contracting Authority is the promotion and support of products of its members Common procedures of service contract Applicable legislation is the Joint Ministerial Decision 419/18559/2017 laying down details on the implementation of Reg (EU) 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council and of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/1831 of 7 October 2015 on information provision and promotion measures concerning agricultural products implemented in the internal market and in the third countries and the ORDINANCE No 8 from 5 May 2016 on the terms and conditions for implementation and control of promotional programs for agricultural and food products - Adopted issued by Ministry of Agriculture and Food Prom. S.G. No 38 from 20 May 2016, Am. and Ad. S.G. 78 from 21 September 2018. Communication
c) Tenders of request to participate must be submitted to the above mentioned address 1.2 Procurement-Financing Type of procedure Open Procedure Financing The contract is financed by European Union by 85% according to Regulation (EU) 1144/2014 Regulation (EU) No 1144/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on information provision and promotion measures concerning agricultural products implemented in the internal market and in third countries and repealing Council Regulation (EC) No 3/2008 and by own contribution of Contracting Authorities by15%. 1.3 Short description and scope of the contracts EU Quality Wines concerns the promotion of wines under Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) and Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) produced in the wine region of Crete and at the vineyrards of Chania, Irakleio, Rethymno and Lastithi in Creece and the wine area of Ostrov in Romania. The action has three SMART objectives: Support market restoring to normal (GO), Enhance competitiveness of the PDO/PGI wines in question and of the Greek and Romanian PDO/PGI wines in general (O1) AND Increase the awareness and recognition of Union PDO/PGI scheme for wines(O2) .The PDO/PGI wines of the action are more exposed to the effects of pandemic; Cretan wines are export oriented but also, they are depending highly in the internal Greek market. Exports towards Germany and France will be further hit in the short term if no action takes place. Wines from Ostrov are serving mainly the internal market trying to gain exports shares over the last years. The pandemic has jeopardized this status putting heavy pressure. These objectives will be achieved by the implementation of a comprehensive set of activities including PR activities, Website and social media, Communication Tools, Advertising and Events. Total estimated value of the contract is 622.130 euro without VAT and the duration of the contract will be twelve (12) months starting from 01.04.2021 Main CPV codes: 7900000 The contract is divided in two (2) Lots: LOT1 Greece with estimated value 280.809 euro without VAT LOT 2: Romania with estimated value 341.321 euro without VAT Tenders may be submitted for all lots Analytical description of the technical requirements is presented in Annex I of the present. Contracting Authorities will award two (2) contracts –one per LOT - according to the most economical advantageous tender based on the best quality – price ratio. 1.4 Legislation Procurement and contracts are governed by the following legislation in European Union, Greece and Romania
1.5 Deadline for submission of tenders and opening of tenders Time limit for receipt of tenders: December 07th, 2020 13:00 local time Greece. Conditions for opening of tenders December 07th 2020 14:00 local time Greece 1.6 Publicity Α. Publication at European level A Contract notice has been sent for publication though on the Supplement of the Official Journal of European Union on 10/11/2020 Β. Publication at national level The Contract Notice and the present have been at the websites of the Contracting Authorities. An abstract has been published at the Chamber of Irakleion Prefecture An abstract of the Call for Tenders has been published at the following national media in Greece in Greece on 16.11.2020...- Newspaper DIMOKRATIA / ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ Newspaper CONTRA NEWS 1.7 Principles applied at the procedure Economic operators undertake to: award, with their obligations under the provisions of environmental, social and labor law established by Union law, national law, collective agreements or international law; provisions of environmental, social and labor law. Compliance with these obligations shall be monitored and verified by the bodies overseeing the performance of public contracts and the competent public authorities and services acting within the limits of their responsibility and competence.
2. General and specific participation conditions 2.1 General conditions 2.1.1 Communication – Access to Tender documents All communication will be conducted electronically via email to the mentioned address of the Contracting Authorities. 2.1.2 Questions - Clarifications Request for clarifications or questions related to the present Tender and other related documents are submitted by email until 01.12.2020 and they will be communicated to all involved economic operators. The Contracting Authority may extend the time limit for the receipt of tenders so that all interested economic operators can obtain all the information necessary for the preparation of tenders in the following cases: (a) where, for any reason, additional information, although requested by the economic operator in good time, has not been provided at least six (6) days before the deadline set for the receipt of tenders, (b) where the contract documents undergo significant changes. 2.1.3 Language Tender documents have been conducted in English. Any objections or appeals should be submitted in English. Tenders will be submitted in English. Administrative and supporting documents should be submitted in original language and accompanied by a brief translation in Greek and Romanian. Any kind of communication with Contracting Authority during the procedure will be in English. 2.1.5 Guarantees The Letters of Guaranties mentioned in articles 2.2.2 and 4.1 are issued by credit institutions or financial institutions or insurance companies, lawfully operating in the Member States of the Union or The European Economic Area or the International Public Procurement Agreement’s Member States and in accordance with the provisions in force giving them this right. The Contracting Authorities reserve the right to contact the issuers of the letters of guarantee in order to verify their validity. 2.2 Eligibility –Tender Guarantee - Selection criteria 2.2.1 Eligibility consortium of economic operators, their members which are established in: a) Member state of the Union, b) Member state of the European Economic Area c) Third countries that have signed and ratify the International Public Procurement Agreement and d) Third countries that are not under point c) of the present article but have signed bilateral or multilateral agreements with the Union regarding public procurement contract award procedures. 2. Groups or consortiums of economic operators are not obliged to form a specific legal entity for the submission of their tenders nevertheless Contracting Authorities reserve the right to request from them to form such an entity in case that the contract is assigned to them. 3. In cases of tender by group or consortiums of economic operators, all its members shall be liable to the Contracting authorities jointly and in full. 2.2.2 Tender Guarantee Economic operators that are presenting their tender have to provide a Letter of Guarantee according to the specimen of ANNEX VI a, amounting to EURO 5.000 (five thousands euro). In the case of groups or consortiums of economic operators, the guarantee shall also include the condition that the guarantee covers the obligations of all economic operators participating. The Guarantee must be valid for at least thirty (30) days after the expiration of the deadline referred to in Article 2.4.5 hereof, otherwise, the offer will be rejected. The Contracting authorities reserve the right, before the expiration of the tender, to request the extension of the period of validity of the tender and the tender guarantee. Tender Guarantees submitted will be returned to economic operators after the conclusion of the award procedure. The Tender Guarantee shall be forfeited in case that a tenderer withdraws its tender during its validity or provides false information or documents as referred to in Articles 2.2.3 to 2.2.8 fails to submit in time the documents required or fail to arrive in time for the signature of the contract. 2.2.3 Grounds for exclusion An economic operator shall be excluded from participation in this contract award procedure if it is in its person (in the case of an individual natural or legal person) or in one of its members (in the case of a group or consortium of economic operators) with one or more of them, the following reasons: Where there is an irrevocable conviction for one of the following reasons according to the European and national legislation in force: (a) fraud The economic operator shall also be excluded where the person against whom the judgment has been rendered irrevocable is a member of its administrative, management or supervisory body or has the power to represent, make or control it (managers, members of the Board of Directors and legal representatives). If in the above cases (a) to (f) the exclusion period as set out above, has not been determined by an irrevocable decision, it shall be five (5) years from the date of conviction by an irrevocable decision. in the following cases: a) when the economic operator has failed to pay his taxes or social security contributions and this has been established by a judicial or administrative decision with final and binding effect, in accordance with the provisions of the country of establishment or national law and / or b) it is bankrupt or has been subject to a resolution or special clearance procedure or is forced into liquidation or by a court or has been subject to bankruptcy or has suspended its business or is in any similar situation resulting from a similar process provided for by national law. The contracting authority may not exclude an economic operator who is in one of the situations referred to in this case, provided that it proves that that entity is able to execute the contract, taking into account the applicable provisions and measures to continue its business, c) there are sufficiently reasonable indications that the economic operator has concluded agreements with other economic operators with a view to distorting competition; d) if a conflict of interest cannot be effectively treated by other, less intrusive means; e) if a situation of distortion of competition from the economic operator's prior involvement in the preparation of the procurement procedure, cannot be remedied by other, less intrusive means; f) if has not demonstrated a serious or recurrent defect in the execution of an essential claim under a prior agreement resulting in its early termination, indemnities or other similar sanctions g) if has been fraudulently or negligently misrepresenting information required for the verification of the absence of grounds for exclusion or the fulfillment of selection criteria or in the performance of a contract; h) if has been found guilty of serious misrepresentation in providing the information needed to ascertain the absence of exclusion grounds or to fulfill the selection criteria, he has concealed this information or is unable to provide the necessary supporting documents; i) has attempted to unduly influence the decision-making process of the contracting authority, to obtain confidential information which may give it an unfair advantage in the award procedure or to negligently provide misleading information which may substantially affect the contracting authority for its exclusion, selection or assignment, k) whether the contracting authority can demonstrate, by appropriate means, that it has committed a serious professional misconduct, which calls into question its integrity. If in the above cases (a) to (i) the exclusion period has not been set by an irrevocable decision, it shall be three (3) years from the date of the relevant event. The economic operator shall be excluded at any time during the contract award procedure, when it is proved that he has been, by reason of his acts or omissions, either before or during the procedure, in one of the above cases. Economic operator falling into one of the situations referred above may provide evidence to show that the measures taken are sufficient to prove its credibility, although the reason for exclusion (self-cleaning) is present. If the information is found to be sufficient, the economic operator concerned shall not be excluded from the procedure. Measures taken by economic operators shall be assessed in the light of the seriousness and particular circumstances of the criminal offense or offense. If the measures are found to be inadequate, the economic operator shall be informed of the reasoning of that decision. An economic operator that has been excluded, in accordance with the present provisions, by a final decision at national level from participating in the award procedure may not avail itself of the above option during the period of exclusion set out in that decision. 2.2.4. Selection criteria The economic operators should be activated in the fields related to the scope of the contract. Economic operators established in a Member State of the European Union are required to be registered in one of the professional registries kept in their country of establishment. Where economic operators are required to have a specific approval or to be a member of a particular organization in order to be able to provide the relevant service in their country of origin, the contracting authority may require them to prove that they have such approval or that they are members of that organization or invite them to make an affidavit before a notary public about their pursuit of the profession. In the case of economic operators established in a Member State of the European Economic Area (EEA) or in third countries acceding to the GPA, or third countries not covered by the foregoing and having concluded bilateral or multilateral agreements with the Union on procurement procedures are required to be registered in the respective professional registers. Economic and financial standing With regard to the economic and financial standing, economic operators should have a turnover equal or above the estimated value of the contract. Economic operators should provide this data regarding their turnover that is related to the scope of the contract according to specimen of ANNEX II. Technical and professional capacity With regard to the technical and professional capacity, the economic operators, should satisfy the following conditions and present them according to the specimen of ANNEX II: Rely in third parties Economic operators may, in respect of the criteria of economic and financial standing and technical and professional capacity, rely on the competences of other bodies, irrespective of the legal nature of the bond with them. In this case, they shall demonstrate that they will have the necessary resources at their disposal by producing the relevant commitment of the bodies on which they rely. Specifically, with regard to the related professional experience, economic operators, may only rely on the capabilities of other entities if they perform the tasks or services for which those capabilities are required. Where economic operators rely on the competences of other bodies in relation to the criteria relating to the financial and financial competence required by the declaration, those economic operators and those on which they rely shall be jointly and severally liable for the performance of the contract. Under the same conditions, economic operators' associations may rely on the competences of the participants in the group or consortium or other entities. 2.2.3 Quality selection rules Supporting documents The right of participation of economic operators and the terms and conditions of their participation, as set out above shall be considered when submitting a tender, when submitting the supporting documents of this paragraph and at the conclusion of the contract. Where an economic operator or group or consortium thereof, it is based on the capabilities of other entities, they are required to submit supporting documents proving that the grounds for exclusion under are not fulfilled and that they meet the relevant selection criteria on a case-by-case basis The economic operator shall be obliged to replace an entity whose capacity it relies on if the latter does not meet the relevant selection criterion or for which there are grounds for exclusion.
ended 3185 days ago