European Union Government of Romania Government of Bulgaria Cross border cooperation "Danube Terraces" Professional Association of Wine and Viticulture Ostrov
Cross Border Oenology and Viticulture CentreDanube Terraces

Our services

  • 1Cross-border business promotion and development
  • 2Technical services for viticulture businesses
  • 3Training services
  • 4Information and documentation
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Ovidius University of Constanta, through Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agricultural Sciences

Higher education institution.

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Agricultural Sciences specializes in teaching coursesĀ  activities and laboratory work and speciality practice for Horticulture, Vegetable, fruit, flower, trees medicinal and aromatic plants growing, Agrotechnics and so on.

Agriculture and Horticulture secializations aim to train specialists in the field of agriculture and horticulture in the specific conditions of Dobrogea, collaborations with research institutes providing high training in theoretical and practical fields.


124 Mamaia Blvd, Constanta, Romania

+40241 618.372