European Union Government of Romania Government of Bulgaria Cross border cooperation "Danube Terraces" Professional Association of Wine and Viticulture Ostrov
Cross Border Oenology and Viticulture CentreDanube Terraces

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Research Experimental Station for Apricot Tree and Agriculture Silistra

State organizations subordinated to the Bulgarian Academy for Agriculture.

The station is being involved in research, experimental and demonstrational activities, in fruit tree growing, specializing in Apricot Tree, agriculture and viticulture, all three sectors of great importance for Silistra region. They are involved in teaching and training activities, as well as in individual cooperation relations with local producers. The Station has an intense international activity in experimental and testing projects with French and Swiss institutes, while in Romania it develops activities with Constanta Research – Development Station for FruitTreesGrowing and “Ovidius” University of Constanta. The Station has had punctual cooperation relations with both project partners Associations. The Station undertakes its activity in premises including laboratories, and vast experimental orchards.


112 Vaptsarov Street, Silistra, Bulgaria

+359 86 820.145